The Lake Auburn Community Center is located at 115 North Auburn Road at the historic West Auburn Farm site, now 6 acres with about 275 feet of road frontage. It serves as the gateway to Auburn’s community forest surrounding lake Auburn for the neighboring community and to local clubs and organizations. The Perkins Ridge Sno-Travelers currently store their trail groomer and signing inventory on site. Also Cub Scout Packs from Auburn and Turner have used the property and others are encouraged to do so. Additional future uses include a tree nursery (already in progress) and a two hundred year old barn ( 34 x 36 ) restoration project that will bring meeting rooms and storage opportunities for clubs and organizations. The property is owned by the Lake Auburn Watershed Neighborhood Association (LAWNA) a 501c3 charitable organization established in August of 2007 and managed by the independent Lake Auburn Community Center committee.
Recent News
Exciting Update for the Future of the Lake Auburn Community Center!
August 2020 – What’s Going on Lately at the Lake Auburn Community Center?
Special Thanks To Our Long Time Sponsor: Dojo Digital
LAWNA Meeting Agenda Feb 2020
ELHS and AMS Community Service at the LACC!
LAWNA Meeting Agenda 11/29/18 – 6pm
Upcoming Events
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Businesses are coming out of the woodwork to help and build a recreational center on the property. Here are some of our donors and sponsors so far:
- Barnwright, Inc
- Benner and Son
- Oakwood Equestrian Center
- Councilor Tizz Crowley & Councilor Leroy Walker
- Dick Vye
- George & Cecile Bussiere
Checks Payable To:
Lake Auburn Watershed Neighborhood Association or simply LAWNA*
“Donation for LACC”
PO Box 1493
Auburn, ME 04211-1493
*Please indicate on check “Donation for LACC”
Or visit our Online Registered Charity/Donation Page hosted by the Paypal Giving Fund https://www.paypal.com/us/fundraiser/charity/1536584
Other ways to help: LACC’s Second Half of Summer Port-O-Potty Fundraiser https://www.facebook.com/donate/225909482138225/
Other Donations Needed:
- Lumber
- Sand,gravel,clean fill etc.
- Nursery Trees
- Loam,Seed,Hay, etc
- Landscaping Equipment: Excavators all sizes
Time, equipment, labor and materials are so important to this project. If you’d like more information on how you can help please contact us. .

115 North Auburn Road
Auburn, Maine
(207) 650-2398

115 North Auburn Road
Auburn, ME 04210
(207) 650-2398
LACC Security
The Lake Auburn Community Center (LACC) has developed a Team to provide security for the property and the surrounding trails. The team consists of well trained individuals who’s goal is to fulfill security duties on the property. These duties include;
– Patrol the LACC and surrounding trails
– Preform regular safety checks of the property
– Investigate crimes committed on the LACC
– Monitor Security Cameras
– Maintain Security and order on the LACC

For more information on LACC Security or job application information, contact the Director of LACC Security, Reece Rodrigue, at (207)-795-7856 or reece.rodrigue@yahoo.com